The Language Network Websites Watch

Part of building and editing a new website as an independent trainer is to have a look at how others have designed their own websites.
I started out on this seemingly simple task, but soon realised that there are a lot of things to take into account. 
As I continued, I found myself researching more and more of you that I had really only seen a few times during online meet-ups, if that.
It became a real pleasure discovering more about you and seeing how you present yourselves through the virtual pages, columns, and images on your own individual websites.

I also realised that in searching through all these sites, I was probably gathering some information that could be helpful feedback for you in updating or correcting your sites.
I’ve collected it all together in a simple chart which you can see below.
This also enabled me to learn how to incorporate an Excel chart into a WordPress site – there’s always so much to learn!

For your information, a ‘CTA’ is a ‘Call To Action’. It’s a bit of a trendy way of saying a button to click on! The idea is that by clicking on the button, your website visitor is going to start some action rolling… asking for further information, buying a course, enrolling as a member, watching a video…
it’s your call!

Please see here

Here you can download the file if you want, but also you can make it full-screen, so you can peruse the contents much more easily.

Some of you, like Christine, may be in the process of building or re-building your sites, while others may have built them – or had them built – a long time back, and maybe you’d begun to forget that they’re still out there!
There are also quite a lot of you who simply don’t have a website, for whatever reason. Nevertheless, it was interesting to research each and every one of you – via LinkedIn or wherever the web searches took me – to ascertain that there wasn’t in fact a website in your name!

As I don’t have a list of all the independent trainers in the network, I’ve surely left out some of you, so I’m sorry about that and please don’t hesitate to reach out.
When the summer break is over, some of you might find it interesting to have an online meet-up to discuss the various aspects of having your own website and keeping it up-to-date, as it’s something we have in common.
While you’re here on my new website, please take the opportunity to have a look around and let me know what you think. As you can see, it’s still (and always will be) ‘under construction’, so I’ll be very happy to know what needs to be done.

Here’s wishing you a relaxing few weeks of summer,
and I look forward to meeting you again soon.
Kind regards,