Video of the week

Photo de Sara Kurfeß sur Unsplash

I spend a lot of my time on YouTube, be it looking for useful and interesting input for my various English training courses, or simply developing my own culture and interests.

Publishing a ‘video of the week’ on my website therefore comes as a pretty logical extension of this, and I hope it allows you to check out some interesting content in a format that combines leisure and learning.

Choosing a 'video of the week' for you.

Generally, I go for fairly up-to-date publications on topics that are in the news or trending at the time. However, it could be that some historical footage may be of particular interest, so this factor is not ‘carved in stone’.

Anything from 3 to 7 minutes is a useful guide when checking out videos to help your language learning. This allows you to focus on the style (form) as well as the substance (content), adding the benefit of language learning to the pleasure of viewing.

Photo de Alexander Shatov sur Unsplash

Using English subtitles while watching in English, allows you to see and hear the commentary simultaneously, helping you develop both your listening and reading skills.
However, automated subtitles are generally only around 65-70% accurate, causing some confusion for learners. I try to select videos that have had their subtitles corrected (by humans like me!), or where they are generally well done.

Video gallery